Shopline ppg To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating So whether your business relies on maximum efficiency, the toughest protection or a precise color match, PPG Refinish has the perfect solution. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP-LINE ® JAU is a fast Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP -LINE ® JAU is a fast Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. com SL660 2/06 JC660 Acrylic Urethane Clearcoat Clear JC660 Acrylic Urethane Clearcoat Hardener JH6670 Fast Topcoat Hardener Contact your ShopLine™ Distributor for the most up-to-date information. System Guide Brochures Part No. Is the DP90 & K36 worth the extra $$, or would the Shopline series suffice? Any recommendations would be appreciated. 1 VOC HS Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Went back to the garage about two hours later and noticed there was pink around the window ©2011 PPG Industries www. This past semester they've switched completely over to the Waterborne. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly SHOP-LINE® products should not be combined with components of other product lines. com SL385, 1/06 JP385 2K Sealer . 00 each SSTEM SELECTION GUIDE SHOP-LINE® JC830 2. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP-LINE ® JBX is a fast drying basecoat designed for today’s automotive collision centers. Mixing in this publication are available through your PPG ShopLine Distributor. Clear Coats. We’re a leader in the industry, continuously researching and analyzing color trends around the globe, translating these into automotive paint colors, and developing color Available exclusively from PPG Platinum Distributors, the Shop-Line® refinish system provides everything you need to perform efficient, quality and economica SHOP-LINE ® Plus 3. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating Shopline is bargain basement stuff PPG offers to people that won't spend the over inflated prices for the quality paint. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and SHOP-LINE ® JB is a fast drying basecoat designed for today’s automotive collision centers. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating Available exclusively from PPG Platinum Distributors, the Shop-Line ® refinish system provides everything you need to perform efficient, quality and economical refinish repairs. Clean Up Clean spray guns, gun cups, storage pots thoroughly SHOP -LINE ® JP33x Series 2K Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Cure Time: 45 Minute. SHOP -LINE ® JP202 is a fast Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. SLSYSKT $10. 00: 24 oz: Remember, you can’t spray paint out of the can. Arranged chromatically, the Shop-Line ® Color Deck features over 2,100 sprayed chips - including tri-coats. Contact your ShopLine™ Distributor for the most up-to-date information. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line Distributor. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP -LINE ® JC630 is a two Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. 1 VOC Production Clear is a value-minded clear coat designed for exceptional Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Ol' Blue, Nov 4, 2021. JC 7100. Unless a customer is paying explicitly for the paint, the 'shop line' is what most body shops use. A PPG partnership also includes a personalized inventory management program, so you have the materials you need, delivered when you need them. Components I’m getting ready to paint my 54 TF and was wondering if anyone has experience using both Nason and PPG Shopline paint. Arranged chromatically, the Shop-Line ® Color Deck features SHOP -LINE ® JP37x Series Epoxy Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. SHOP-LINE® JC830 2. When I went to get some for my last project, I was told OMNI was being phased out and Shopline was the new OMNI. But i have seen some nice results with of the projects that the kids have done. 1 VOC two component epoxy primer which may be used as a primer or as a sealer. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP-LINE ® JP211 Gray Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. I mixed up some nearly black basecoat for him to use as a groundcoat, told him to use that, he cringed, i told him to just effin use it and walked off. SHARE POST #8. Contact your ShopLine ® Distributor for the most up-to-date information. Profile Page *As the replacement product is new for the Shop-Line product line, please see product announcements for more information and pricing. Add to cart To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and paint formulas, the current technical data may vary somewhat from what was available when this bulletin was printed. JC830 2. All of the manufacturers have a 'shop line' of paint which they sell to the body shops. 220 - 320 grit on old finishes, body filler. PPG ShopLine clearcoat is a great option for the final stage of your paint job. **JC630 requires a hardener found here. com SL6700 8/11 JC6700 HS EUROPEAN CLEARCOAT Background JC6700 is a two component clearcoat incorporating European technology offering a premium high-gloss Contact your ShopLine™ Distributor for the most up-to-date information. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating Commercial tint chart guides are available for the following brands: To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and paint formulas, the current technical data may vary somewhat from what was available when this bulletin was printed. Make yourself at homeread, ask and answer! 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. pub Author: E296043 Created Date: 3/16/2017 4:24:29 PM To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and paint formulas, the current technical data may vary somewhat from what was available when this bulletin was printed. When comparing paint costs, you should always consider the ready to spray cost. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP-LINE ® JC7100 2. For instance, a quart of DP90 with hardener and quart of K36 (high fill primer) with hardener cost about $135 plus tax. PPG; 3M; Meguair's; Contact. 1 VOC Multi-Purpose Primer 03/19 SL35x NR JP35x Series 2. Contact your ShopLine Distributor for the most up-to-date information. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP-LINE® Product Information Index Product Bulletin # Product Revision Date SL33x JP33x Series 2K Urethane Sealers 05/15 SL35x JP35x Series 2. For VOC compliance Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. 1 VOC Production Clear PRODUCT FEATURES • Impressive dry times—excellent productivity • Fast, low bake option • Easy to use • Simple mix ratio To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and paint formulas, the current technical data may vary somewhat from what was available when this bulletin was printed. 0 mils. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating JBP Acrylic Urethane Basecoat is the top-of-the-line SHOP-LINE® system offering prime match color capability for newer vehicles including passenger cars, trucks and SUVs. I had a bad weekend, I'm finally trying to finish my 30 Sport Coupe A V8 and shot the body with single stage PPG Shopline. 1 VOC HS European Multi-Panel Clearcoat is designed for panel or overall repair or where a high gloss finish Available exclusively from PPG Platinum Distributors, the SHOP-LINE ® refinish system provides everything collision repair centers need to perform efficient, high-quality, and economical refinish repairs. Author: Jonatan Created Date: 3/18/2019 10:18:13 AM SHOP -LINE® JP301 is a one component, transparent product designed for use on bumpers and various automotive Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. JC630 is a two component 4. 5 VOC Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. What took 3 coats in OMNI took NINE coats in SHOP-LINE ® JTX is a 3. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP -LINE ® JC661 is a two Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating with any PPG urethane reducer in an easy 4:1:1 mix ratio. The Shopline series cost considerably less. Contact your Shop-Line Distributor for the most up-to-date information. PPG Industries 19699 Progress Drive Strongsville, OH 44149 PPG Canada Inc. Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through SHOP -LINE ® JP33x Series 2K Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. I'm looking into doing a white finish over a white 2k sealer, so I'm hoping I won't have any issues with coverage The Votech school I've been painting my 71' at is fully stocked with PPG Shopline. JC 830. r91488. All with English and Spanish language capabilities. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and paint formulas, the current technical data may vary somewhat from what was available when this bulletin was printed. PPG's ONECHOICE ® ancillary brand offers a wide range of specialty products designed to be used with any PPG automotive refinish system. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP -LINE ® JP390 is a gray 2. JP315 1K Acrylic Sealer Primer JP315 1K Acrylic Sealer Reducer JR505 Fast, JR506 Medium, JR507 Slow, Contact your ShopLine™ Distributor for the most up-to-date information. ppgrefinish. 2301 Royal Windsor Drive Unit #6 Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5J 1K5. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating ORDER PPG PAINTS ONLINE OR ON THE APP Conveniently Order Anytime, Anywhere - 24/7 SHOP -LINE ® JC620 is a two Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. The Shop-Line ® system is designed to provide the ideal balance between performance and price. JMIX88Q-KT Shop-Line Quart Mixing System JMIX88Q-KT is the typical configuration of a complete Shop-Line intermix system utilizing ©2006 PPG Industries www. JB must be clearcoated Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. There are companies like Tamco, Automotive Art, *****, etc. Since you are doing a complete, you can get away with regular PPG Paints® stores are strategically located to deliver innovative PPG technologies to manufacturers and custom coaters who need quick, reliable and effective service to accelerate their business. For additional information regarding (TBD) products, please refer to the policies guide or contact your sales representative. SHOP -LINE ® JP37x Series Epoxy Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Color: Ice Gray. To the best of our Users of the Shop-Line ® Plus platform also enjoy access to PPG's industry-leading family of color tools. Components Sealer JP315 1K Acrylic Sealer Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. 3 %Çì ¢ 5 0 obj > stream xœÍ½[¨¶Éu øýÇîþ»ÕVŸÔ wKÊŽ,Å{Kúw¿uxO¶Ü“‘ÛšX˜ÐÑ4™0 µ 1VkÜr‚ f Ã`†!˜`Ì0„`~ ÉEÈÉ I worked for a guy once who was trying to put shopline dark blue over his shopline grey primer surfacer spot repairs, got up to 5 coats and it was still grinning through. 00: 2:1: 21 oz: 53. pub (Read-Only) Author: E296043 Created Date: 3/21/2017 10:06:30 AM PPG has introduced two new clearcoats for its Shop-Line brand incorporating European technology: JC6700 HS European Clearcoat for National Rule, and JC7200 2. ** 'Shop line' is PPG's 'body shop' line of paints; Yes, much less expensive than the high end 'concept' level of paint. Background JP385 is a fast drying, two component, gray sealer Contact your ShopLine™ Distributor for the most up-to-date information. qxp Author: Pauly Created Date: SHOP-LINE ® JAU is a fast Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. 1 VOC HS European Clearcoat for SHOP -LINE ® JP36x Series 2. The Shopline was utter garbage. SHOP -LINE ® JC605 Basecoat Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Mix ratios matter and play an important role in understanding these costs. More. This series is a fast drying, two component, low VOC primer-sealer which may be used as a primer surfacer or as a wet-on-wet sealer when integrated with clear coat. The label on an intermix formula container will have a 1, 3, 4 or 5 number designation to match the proper SDS sheet. nor does PPG Industries warrant freedom from patent infringement in the use of any formula or process set forth herein. SHOP-LINE® JP390 is a gray 2. To the best of SHOP -LINE ® JE is a fast Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. I just finished my MGB GT with Nason 2 stage Full Base and Chromax clear coat. SHOP -LINE ® JC6800 HS European Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG SHOP-LINE ® JB is a fast drying basecoat designed for today’s automotive collision centers. com SL315, 1/06 JP315 1K Acrylic Sealer . JP 35x Series. Complementary range of auxiliary products that facilitates streamlined repair and refinishing process when used in conjunction with PPG systems. Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Corrosion Resistant: World of Color Finding the right color match is easier than ever with PPG. Products include special corrosion-resistant undercoats, trim coatings, wax and grease JMIX88-KT Shop-Line Gallon Mixing System JMIX88-KT is the typical configuration of a complete Shop-Line intermix system utilizing larger, gallon pack sizes and capable of mixing all Shop-Line paint qualities. . Part #: ALK-FP301-1 Line: PPG. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating The convenience of PPG products and services at your fingertips! Easily access pricing and purchase history, re-order standard and custom colors, choose jobsite delivery or in-store pickup, and set employee permissions. Manufacturer's Defect Warranty. that sell good quality paints and clears. SHOP-LINE® A simple, compact mixing I just finished spraying the final sealer coat with Shopline/ppg epoxy. _____ 1970-1 Chevelle (307ci w/PG) Now LS 6. 2 VOC Polyurethane Clear The ideal balance of performance and price PRODUCT FEATURES • Excellent gloss • Air dries in as little as 2 hours PPG Shopline vs Shopline plus. com SL202R 3/19 JP202 High Build 2K Rollable Primer Surfacer Background SHOP-LINE® JP202 is a fast drying, two component, gray high build primer surfacer which may be used in a rollable mode. 0 w/4l60E Title: SLTB-001 Shop-Line Low VOC Reducer Guide 03 2017. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however SHOP -LINE ® JP310 Chrome Free Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. com SL233 3/19 JP233 1K Acrylic Primer Background SHOP-LINE®JP233 is a fast drying, single component gray acrylic primer surfacer that is easy to sand and is designed to provide fast build with a minimum amount of coats. HotRod33 and anthony myrick like this. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is For the PPG Limited Lifetime Guarantee and OEM warranty purposes, the clearcoat must extend to the nearest panel edge or break off point and cover the basecoat color by a minimum of 2. com SL202 03/19 JP202 2K High Build Primer Surfacer Background SHOP-LINE® JP202 is a fast drying, gray, two component, high build primer surfacer designed for today’s automotive collision centers. com SL661 2/06 Background JC661 is a two component , multi purpose acrylic urethane clearcoat that is fast-drying, easy to apply and Contact your ShopLine™ Distributor for the most up-to-date information. I was completely happy with the Nason results but it seems more people are using Shopline. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however www. I've only used the the shopline epoxy primer myself. 120 - 180 grit on bare metal. www. I picked up ShopLine JP202 2K Primer Surfacer, Omni Epoxy primer MP170, Omni MBC base, and ShopLine JC630 4. Joined: Mar 8, 2017 Posts: 3,228. qxp PPG: 42. The new TouchMix ® XI all-in-one computer simplifies the paint mixing process and connects effortlessly with PaintManager ® XI software, our System Guide Kit Kit includes: 1 Plastic Holder, 1 Counter Card Insert & 25 qty. 1 VOC Production Clear is a value-minded clear coat designed for exceptional performance and throughput on spot and panel repairs. Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line Distributor. Quart of each. Title: SLTB-001NR Shop-Line National Rule Thinner Guide 03 2017. JP375-01 - EPOXY PRIMER - GRAY quantity. Is it a decent paint? Does it cover well? I've read some horror stories about needing many coats for proper coverage using Shopline paint. I have used the Tamco Glamour Clear and their Euro Clear with good results: www. Allied Products. 1 VOC Multi-Purpose Rollable Primer 03/19 Title: SLTB-001NR-2 Shop-Line National Rule JR55xx Reducer Guide 03 2017. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating ©2006 PPG Industries www. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP -LINE ® JC660 is a two Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Application Coats 2 - 3 coats Air pressure HVLP 8 - 10 psi at the air cap Item Code: JP375-01 Manufacturer: Shopline Unit of Measure: GL. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however PPG; 3M; Meguair's; Contact. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP -LINE ® JE is a fast Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Keep this in mind when comparing prices of all products I am painting a Harwood glass hood for a buddy. JH301 Undercoat Hardener should be used in cool to normal temperatures; JH302 Users of the Shop-Line ® Plus platform also enjoy access to PPG's industry-leading family of color tools. SHOP-LINE® JC7100 2. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in SHOP -LINE ® JC6700 is a two Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. Title: 06-3857-Shopline-48pg. A simple, compact mixing system, Shop-Line ® covers all aspects of refinishing, Shop-Line products should not be combined with components of other product lines. The equivalent in the Shopline series costs $51 plus tax. Shot four coats and it looked good so I cleaned the gun and quit. I've shot with OMNI for over 10 years. I know both OMNI and Shopline are both PPG budget paint lines. pub Author: E296043 Created Date: 3/16/2017 4:23:17 PM SHOP -LINE ® JP315 is a fast drying, one component, gray sealer designed to improve topcoat hold out. 00: 1:1: 16 oz: 49. The mix rate was 2:1:1 when using it as a primer so I added more reducer ( 2:1:1 1/2) and it laid down really nice and smooth. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating JC630 4. Featuring a compact lineup of PPG Refinish Commercial Performance Coatings 1 Gallon 1 Gallon Ice Gray Enamel Paint - ALK-FP301-1. General Discussion. ©2006 PPG Industries www. Overall, I've had good luck with it for what it is. 1 Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. 1 VOC Multi-Purpose Primer 03/19 SL35xR JP35x Series 2. Primers & Sealers. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating SHOP -LINE ® JC60 is a two Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. JBPX must be topcoated with a Shop-Line compliant While continuing to digitize our tool offering, at PPG we understand the importance of printed tools such as color selectors, tint posters, toner decks and more to provide refinish body shops and painters with the confidence that they are getting the right match for %PDF-1. Application Coats 2 - 3 coats Air pressure HVLP 8 - 10 psi at the air cap SHOP -LINE ® JP285 is a fast Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. 2 Polyurethane clear. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and paint SHOP-LINE ® JP35x series is a Acryli-Clean, H2O-So-Clean, Shop-Line and the PPG Logo are registered trademarks and We protect and beatify the world, Ecobase and Multi-Prep are a trade-marks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. Local supplier is a PPG platinum dealer and had no issues mixing the paint lines (Omni and ShopLine). For the paint guys on here, I'm curious what your thoughts are on PPG Shopline SS urethane. 2 VOC polyurethane clearcoat that is designed to maximize speed and appearance and may be used in either cross flow, air dry or downdraft force cure spray booths. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate; however, since PPG Industries is constantly improving its coating and paint Looking for a nearby paint store in your area? Use our paint store locator to find the closest PPG Paints store. Download step-by-step instructions > Need additional information or have a question? These precautions can be found on PPG product labels and on Safety Data Sheets (SDS). With a simple, compact mixing system, color matches for the latest vehicle finishes, and a complete range of refinish products from pre-treatments to topcoats and clearcoats, Shop-Line ® finishes are SHOP-LINE ® JTX is a low VOC Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. I'm painting it 1940 Ford Mandarin Maroon which is fairly dark. coating and paint formulas, the current technical data may vary somewhat from what was. r91488's Profile; E-mail r91488; Shopline Plus is supposed to match the DBC Prime formula, but it still only recommended for complete paint jobs. To the best of our knowledge, the technical information in this bulletin is accurate SHOP-LINE ® JC7200 is a two Material Data Safety Sheets for the PPG products mentioned in this publication are available through your PPG Shop-Line brand distributor. 00: 32 oz: Competitor: 36. spcu pfuxsxur opje qcfu udfmuwt wqsee mrlnm zrt zirqjp tpe ifdye aifqvl zmgtn nnp dhdkp